Thursday, February 25, 2010

"What do you actually do?"

People always ask me what is it that I actually do, and I always find myself at a loss trying to explain it....I think I should start blogging about complicated (well depends on your perspective) things in my field that people can't understand as is the trend with IT here's a start:

I am a biochemist...not a microbiologist, not a chemist, not a zoologist and not a botanist;

In layman's terms: I work with the chemistry of living things (e.g. DNA molecules), not with microbes perse (an even more lay term here is 'bugs'), not with dangerous chemical processes, not with aminals (yes, I said aMiNals) and i don't hug trees.

Hopefully these nerdy biochem jokes will become clearer with time:
"I wish I were your substrate so I could fit into your active site"; "If I were an enzyme I would be DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes"

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